Brock you are now 4 months old. Mommy can hardly believe it. We took you to Dr. Pruitt for your 4 month check up and you are a healthy boy. BIG and healthy.
You have been a little bit more fussy than normal here and there. Not too bad though. For the most part you only really cry when you are hungry, and fuss when it's time for your naps, which you still take 4 a day. The doctor says you could possibly be teething will all the drool you've been producing. (holy cow the drool) He also checked your ears and your left ear drum is sucked in a little bit, but he said it is nothing to worry about right now. He listened to your heart and your bowels. Checked your eyes and your manhood. He found some skin down there that was pulled up and stuck in an odd way and he had to pull it down. You let out a loud grunt when he did this. Nothing major to report. Overall you are very healthy. You got your 4 month shots and you did not like them this time around. You cried for about 2 minutes. But not too bad, just more than last time.
Brock Stats
Weight: 16 lbs 2 oz (85%)
Height: 26 inches (90%)
Head Circumference: 16.5 inches (50%) your head is getting bigger which is good, at least I think so.
Favorite toy: You love your bouncer and you love your bumbo chair
Best Friend: Still daddy
But you have a few other very good friends. Below is Talmage. You guys are 1 week apart. You are a very large boy... sorry buddy, we don't know where you got it.
Accomplishments: You rolled over on January 11, tummy to back, but only once so far. You are getting better at tummy time, you can hold his head up forever, you can also scoot a little bit. You are also sitting up for 5 - 10 seconds by yourself.
nick names - Brocky, B Rock, Brocko, B man, Mr. B, Brockers, Lil Stink
Our little monkey
My favorite outfit on you
GG and Brock