Wednesday, January 12, 2011

My Kid Makes Me Happy

I subscribe to a business network website for work and I get different business or marketing articles daily.  The other day I got an article that really made me... well, made me think, mostly. But kind of (really) made me mad.  This article was called "Think you need a new job? You're probably wrong."  I don't mind my job, so this part didn't bother me, and I understand where they were coming from. The whole, changing your attitude bit, and get over your self blah blah blah. That all makes sense to me. The part that really got to me was one the things it mentions under "So what will make you happier?"  It says married people are happier, so you should find a mate if you are not married. I agree with that, but then it said this, "If you are married, instead of dumping your job, dump your plans to have kids."  SERIOUSLY.  That's what it said. Happier without kids... Now I know that everyone has their own opinions on when to start a family, whether or not to start trying for kids, how many to have.  But to come right out and claim that people will be happier without kids? I could not disagree more.  This statement completely shocked me.  I can not imagine my life without Brock, or without more kids. He makes us feel like a family.  He brightens my day. When I see that sweet little face in the morning, and hear his cute little voice say, "mommy, I awake!" makes me smile from ear to ear.  I was thinking just last night how much I love my son. How I don't know how, because I love him so much, but some how I love him more and more each day. How he makes us laugh more every day. How we play more because of him. How his little face lights up when he sees us, and it just melts my heart. How he wakes up in the night from a nightmare and I get to hold him close, snuggled under my chin for but a moment, and I think how never want to forget this special time, please don't grow any more, I just want to take it all in.  How he makes me happier than I have ever been in all my life. This article tries to justify it's claim by saying something to the effect of, kids don't make parents happy. It's not that they make them unhappy, they just take up all of their time and energy and make marriage more difficult.  I can 100% agree with the statement, they take up all of their time and energy, but I can also 100% disagree with the statement, kids don't make parents happy. I know many, if not all of you out there, would agree with me. If you have kids you are happier. Your kids make you happy. You might be more tired, less dressed up, more stinky, less glamorous, more irritable, less organized, less patient, more broke, or more dirty.  But more loved, more creative, less sad, more kissed, more hugged, less lonely, and definitely more happy.


sav said...

i completely agree. reese has brought more happiness to brad and i than we ever could have had without him.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this. I think we realize that the logical idea of children would set us up for unhappiness but only if we are viewing the negative aspects of parenting (sleepless nights, less freedom, less time for our spouse, etc). But if you look at the flip side of all they do for us it, somehow, balances out. Some days parenting is very black and white (Max screaming at me one moment and telling me I'm adorable the next) but in the end, it all balances out.

J.Frey said...

Well Said! My kids completely wear me out and sometimes I feel more like a glorified maid than anything...but in the end I wouldn't trade them for ANYTHING! They make me happier than anything else ever could.

The Johnson Family said...

I couldn't agree with you more, Kami! I love that you posted this and stand up for what you believe. I couldn't imagine my life without Lauren, I'm so unbelievably happy with her here, and anyone who would say I (or we) are lying, can shove it!