Monday, June 28, 2010


You've seen these pictures before, but I just need to illustrate my obsession with his long hair. I LOVE it!!  I loved how it would curl slightly, I loved that i just got it wet and it combed it down and it was done, no gel required. I loved running my fingers through it. I loved how the curls just framed his face so perfectly. I love how it matched his personality. I think he is so cute with long hair. I love it!!!


I still can't get over the fact that my baby boys cute little locks are gone. I know, I know, he is a boy, and I'll have a girl one day and I can grow her hair out long, and his hair will grow back, and etc. etc. BUT I LOVED HIS LONG HAIR. I don't know what I was thinking cutting it. He is still cute, he's still my baby, but he looks SO different and I don't think his new hair fits his personality AT ALL.

I had so many different comments about it. It was pretty even though, many loved it, and many thought it was time for a cut.  Some would say, "Oh, if I had a boy we would so grow his hair like Brock, I love it long." or "I'm totally in love with his mop." or "Who's this little girl? I didn't know Kami and Darrik had a girl." or "Don't cut it, just trim it, long hair is so in style right now, and it's so cute on him." or just plain "When you going to cut Brock's hair?"  The plan was to let it grow until summer, and then cut it.  Summer started, and I couldn't do it. I kept making excuses, Darrik's clippers are in Kansas, I've been busy, he won't let me, and on and on.  But I finally did it, and now I'm totally kicking myself.  LET THIS SERVE AS A NOTE TO SELF!!!  DO NOT GO FROM LONG BEAUTIFUL LOCKS, TO BUZZED HAIR EVER AGAIN.   I love long hair on boys. Not ridiculously long, just longer hair.  I was told that there is only a small window when long hair is cute on boys, so live it up while they are young. Some can pull it off when they're older, but it's mostly cute when they're young.  Well, anyway...

I cut it myself, which is most of my problem.  I started out just trimming it, but it was still too long.  I got out the clippers to us them to trim and I couldn't get them to work right. They worked fine, great even, but I wanted to use them to just trim the ends and I don't know how to do that aparently.  So I ended up putting an 8 on and just buzzed up the back and sides.  Brock FREAKED out and that small task took me 45 minutes.  I then had to finger cut the top and blend the sides.  He was far from cooperative.  He didn't let me finish so there are parts that aren't blended, and some is still long and it's not trimmed around his ears, but after two hours I decided he could be done.  I will go to the professionals next time for sure.  And I will remind myself that I HATE my baby going from long to short hair, HATE, HATE, HATE it!!!

Even if he is still a handsome devil, as his daddy called him.


See! He hates it as bad as I do.

Maybe not? But I'm still getting used to it. 

Here is the pile of hair we cut off.  There was more, but this is what I saved.

I need to remind myself 100 times over that next time I decide to cut his hair, think again. Re-read this post and reconsider.  I haven't cried yet, but I really, really want to. I miss his long hair so bad. It took 8 months to grow it out that long, and two hours for it to be gone. 



Anonymous said...

Love you Kami! It'll be ok. It'll be nice and cool for the next couple of hot months and will start looking long again as the season changes and gets cooler. It'll work out. At least you only put the buzzer on an 8! Once I put it on 4 accidentally and Max, my albino baby, looked like a chemo patient. Give it 3 weeks, it'll start growing over his ears again.

Kristen said...

I think it is ADORABLE short.

Michelle said...

I think it looks cute short! It is sad going from so long and shaggy to so short though, I know, we did it :)! I love both looks though! The long shaggy does fit Brocks personality really well though, huh! He is such a cute little guy! I love the pictures of him on the side of your blog in the swing and with a fohawk!

Keri said...

Oh I think he's adorable with short hair! It'll grow on you! I can't believe how big he is! What a stud!

Kellie Henry said...

He is a stud both ways!! Seriously he so cute, and it will be nice for summer!

Adam and Jamie said...

Hi Kami! Yes that was funny seeing you at Ross the other most favorite store EVER.
We know Alex and Danielle because Alex and my husband grew up together in the same ward in Pleasant Grove. We love them!

Adam and Jamie said...

Hi Kami! Yes that was funny seeing you at Ross the other most favorite store EVER.
We know Alex and Danielle because Alex and my husband grew up together in the same ward in Pleasant Grove. We love them!

Missy said...

He looks so cute. Just grow it out again. I sure miss you two.