Sunday, May 31, 2009

Wheeler Farm, Swimming and some other pictures

This is how this post was going to start two months ago:

I need to take this opportunity while all three kids are sleeping to do a quick post. On Thursdays I babysit my friends two kids. Lindsey is 2 and Talmage is the same age as brock, almost 6 months. It is a miracle when they all sleep at the same time.

As you can tell from my lack of posts in the last little bit, they woke up... ha ha ha. There have been many other things that have interrupted my posting lately besides babies. Busy, busy, busy. Ill go over these pictures real quick since this post has been waiting to be published for quite some time, but I will tell you all about what we have been up to in my next post.

On March 21, the first day of spring, we went to Wheeler Farm. Brock was a little bit young to really enjoy himself, but I still think he had a good time. We went with a bunch of our friends and we decided that this should be our yearly tradition. We will go to Wheeler Farm on the first day of spring. The weather was perfect. We had a lot of fun.

Brock all ready to go.

Just looking at the horsies.

So intent. He really liked looking at the animals. They were so intriguing to him.

Horsie eating hay.

All the kiddos. Lily, Brock, Evan, Lauren, Max, Carson, Colby, Taven and Ryker.

Colby driving the tractor.

Cute cousins, Colby and Carson driving the tractor. They loved this thing.

Baby lamb.

Big ugly pigs, oink, oink.

This pig totally wanted to eat my baby. He kept getting closer and closer.

Brock was fine until he got this close. Look at his face... poor little guy. The big pig almost got him. Ha ha ha!!!

Brock was pretty tired by this point. He wasn't too thrilled to be sitting on this pile of hay.

Our friend Lily.

This is our friend Michelle. Carson broke her glasses but she still wore them. You can't tell from this picture, but they were pretty crooked. It was so funny.

Plumb tuckered out.

This cow really needed some milking. Look at those boobies.

Out for a hay ride.

This is Brock's first time in the pool. You can't tell by the look on his face, but he LOVED it. He was splashing and blowing bubbles and smiling the whole time. We dunked him a couple of times and he held his breath and was a little bit scared, but then smiled really big. He did really good. We hope to get him into swimming lessons soon.

Sarah, Lily, Rachael and Max.

Ceara and Drake, Lisette and Talmage, Amy and Shaylee, Kami and Brock, and Michelle and Colby.

Same as above plus Candice and Hunter on the left side, and Marie and Carson on the right side.

Look at that crazy red hair. Love it!!

Hi my little drooler.


Michelle said...

Sooo cute! Love all the pictures! Brock is a little stud! The picture of the cow that needed milking made me laugh, ha ha!

Kristen said...

nice to see you back blogging!

Anisha said...

He is just adorable! You're one lucky lady to have such a big support group of friends. By the way, I love his red hair.

Lisette said...

It is a miracle to have them all sleeping...even if it is short-lived! Those pictures of Brock are so cute at the end. We should go to Jensen park sometime...with our kids and take pics. You're a master photographer.

Jenny said...

Hey Kami!

He is very cute! I miss ya!!

The Parks' said...

Fun times! Cute post!

Amy said...

Cute Family! I went to school with Darrik starting in Jr High and through High School. I promise I am not a crazy stalker it is just nice to see what old friends are doing :)

Teresa Brooks said...

Kami you do such a great job with your blog. I am impressed! It is fun to catch up with all you're doing. Brock is getting big and soooo cute!