Saturday, June 28, 2008

Vegas Baby!

Our friend Lisette had a conference down in Las Vegas and we all decided to go play with her. We had a bawl!!

Caesar's Palace

Maryann, Channdra, Ceara, me, Lisette

Ceara and Kami

In front of the Bellagio

The dinner buffet at the Paris hotel

We went and saw Mama Mia, AMAZING!!!!

The prices for the Gelato were on the other side of the place when we ordered. When we paid... we were shocked. Lisette and Jared's cost $40. Insane!

Prego at the pool!

The famous giant key board.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Midway Getaway!

First of all I need to apologize for not posting in over a month. You would think after quitting my job I would have more time to get on the computer, but it's amazing how many things seem to occupy my time.

About a month ago we decided we needed a break. We were burned out from work and we just wanted to relax and not have to worry about anything. We went up to Midway and stayed in a really nice condo and played the whole weekend. It was so nice to be up there. The weather was perfect and it is so gorgeous up there. We decided that we want to move up there... well, just for fun. We did a little shopping too, might as well:) We had a really good time.

This is us playing mini golf.

These are the stair up to the Crater at the Home Stead. Holy cow!! I was so out of breath by the time we got to the top.
This is inside the crater
This is the view from our balcony.